My Daily Roadtrip


Who I am: Trained as a registered nurse and a counselor. Currently working as a full-time mom, wife, and manager of our household. I am a woman seeking to truly live out who God created me to be, which demands a growing knowledge of who I am and what it looks like to love God and love other people more. I am a wife of an incredibly handsome, talented, and driven (in a good way!) man. I am “Mom” to 2 beautiful and smart kiddos. I love creative communication, deep conversation, iced coffee, being part of the process in which other people become more fully who God created them to be, meeting others from different parts of the world, and chocolate. Oh, and did I mention I am a mess? And so not ‘the expert’ on any of these things I blog about? It’s true. However, I’m growing and learning and am thankful for a gracious God who loves me and some great friends and family around me who are on the journey with me.

Location of living & blogging: I was born and raised in Wisconsin (America), but have lived in 5 states outside of WI since graduating high school *a few* years back (ahem). The last of these states was Colorado, which we called, “home” for the past 5 years until moving to Thailand to base my husband’s business here in April of 2013. The learning curve of expat life is steep and we are being grown and stretched in numerous ways – it is good stuff. Hard stuff, but good stuff.

Care to join the roadtrip? Please contact me at with any questions or comments you may have regarding this blog. Also, I’d love if you would subscribe to the blog by clicking on the “sign me up!” button on the homepage and entering your contact info.

p.s. Wondering where the title of my blog came from? Check out this post for details.

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